
The Portfolio Management Programme

The Portfolio Management Programme is designed for the individual who is desirous of comprehending the fundamentals and the principles that successfully guide the creation and management of a successful portfolio.
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At the end of this Programme you will achieve the following;

  • Solid working knowledge of the risk reward relationship
  • Matching assets to their appropriate risk profile to create a winning portfolio
  • Comprehensive knowledge of investment instruments and their risk profiles
  • Sound research techniques in technical analysis
  • Solid analytical skills in Fundamental Analysis
  • Presentation techniques how to engage your prospective clients


  • Research Analysts
  • Sales Representatives in the financial services industry
  • Customer Service Representatives/ Account Managers in financial services industry
  • Treasury Officers
  • Accountants wanting to get a better grasp of Finance  
  • Financial Advisors
  • Financial Consultants
  • Enthusiasts who want to understand the sound techniques of portfolio management to manage their respective portfolio.

Securities and Portfolio Management

The Securities and Portfolio Management Certificate Programme is the first accredited Securities Programme in the Caribbean region. It is designed for the individual who is desirous of being licensed to trade and give financial advice in the regulated securities industry.
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At the end of this Programme you will achieve the following;

  • The risk/ reward relationship in Investing
  • The regulated securities industry as it impacts on the capital markets
  • The related securities industry as it impacts on trading on the stock exchange
  • Matching assets to their appropriate risk profile to create a winning portfolio
  • Comprehensive knowledge of investment instruments and their risk profiles
  • Sound research techniques in technical analysis
  • Solid analytical skills in Fundamental Analysis
  • Ethical and professional practices that impact sound investment management
  • Presentation techniques how to engage your prospective clients


  • Research Analysts
  • Sales Representatives in the financial services industry
  • Customer Service Representatives/ Account Managers in financial services industry
  • Treasury Officers
  • Accountants wanting to get a better grasp of Finance  
  • Financial Advisors
  • Financial Consultants
  • Enthusiasts who want to understand the sound techniques of portfolio management to manage their respective portfolio.

Strategic Business Management

The Strategic Business Management Programme is designed for the individual desirous of strengthening and honing their skill sets in sound strategic business management and comprehending the operational and risk factors that go along with managing a successful business.
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At the end of this Programme you will achieve the following;

  • Strategically understanding the interpretation of financial statements to identify if the company a going-concern
  • The strategic posture of measuring risk
  • How to strategically measure the success of business operations
  • Measuring Human Capital in the Organization.
  • Critically assessing how to evaluate and create meaningful value to the Organization.
  • Assessing trends to strategically identify why companies succeed and why companies fail.


  • Executives/Chief Executive Officers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Senior and Middle Management
  • Senior Supervisors

Financial Analysis

The Introductory Financial Analysis Programme is designed for the individual desirous of comprehending sound financial techniques with the ability to make meaningful contributions to the financial planning, budgeting or analysis of their respective organizations.
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At the end of this Programme you will achieve the following;

  • De mystifying the fundamental concepts of concepts of financial statements and their related analysis and performance and future earnings.
  • Critically examining financial statements of companies against the dynamic macro economic environment they operate in.
  • The ability to measure this performance against their competitors
  • Ably spot trends that can impact on financial performance
  • Being critical thinkers to ably analyze if the business entity is a going concern



  • Any Professional who wants to solidify their comprehensive skills in financial analysis to make sound business and or investment decisions in their respective careers
  • Any aspirant who wants to enter into the financial services arena

The Pension Management Programme

The Pension Management Programme is designed for the individual desirous of strengthening their skill sets in the management and investment of pension funds.
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  • In a dynamic globalized landscape one ought to be aware of the factors that impact on the liabilities and investments of the pensions market, meeting the ethical challenges that one has encountered by understanding the regulatory environment that one does business in.

At the end of this Programme you will achieve the following;

  • Sound Understanding of Pension Fund Management and its administration
  • The Emergence of the Pension Act and Regulations
  • Understanding of the Funds Financial statements
  • Ability to comprehend and access the valuation of the Plan and the role of the actuary



  • Administrators
  • Trustees
  • Human Resource Managers and support staff
  • Employee Benefit Officers
  • Investment Officers

Fundamentals of Financial and Managerial Accounting

Do you want to be that professional desirous of being improving your supervisory and middle management skill sets. Fitz Ritson and Associates gives you cutting edge techniques and up to date fmanagerial and accounting business practices for you to be at the top of your game . This is the institution where all top professional performers hone their skills to stay in the game of SOUND FINANCIAL AND MANAGERIAL SKILL SETS.
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At the end of this Programme you will develop a comprehensive knowledge base of the following;

  • The sound principles of accounting
  • The role of sound fixed assets management
  • The role of sound inventory management
  • The role of sound receivables management
  • The role of sound cash flow management
  • The ability to develop a sound budget
  • The importance from a financial and strategic managerial function of maintaining a sustainable and viable business/organization


  • Middle Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Human Resourse Specialists
  • Senior Officers 
  • Heads of Departments
  • Entrepreneurs 
  • Any professional who is desirous to understand these skill sets for upward mobility in their organization(s)

Portfolio and Risk Management

Designed for the individual who has received prior exposure to the fundamentals of portfolio management and is keen on upgrading their skills and knowledge base in deepening their comprehension of the role risk plays in designing a balanced and successful portfolio.
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Designed for the individual who has received prior exposure to the fundamentals of portfolio management and is keen on upgrading their skills and knowledge base in deepening their comprehension of the role risk plays in designing a balanced and successful portfolio.

This course gives the individual the opportunity to further hone their qualitative and quantitative skills integral for the design and allocation of securities in a portfolio.
This course uses software simulations to bring “real live” relevancy to the programme in order to strengthen ones fundamental and technical skills from a risk perspective, with the objective to increase their performance of the fund.

The Asset Allocation Programme

This course aims to provide a detailed understanding of the business environment in which asset management practitioners operate in. It is intended to simulate real-world activities thus giving practitioners the ability to improve their decision -making skills in advisory and fund management roles of Asset Management
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